Monday, August 3, 2009

Lets go Splashing Now!

What is it about water? Even as an adult, I enjoy the joys of playing the water. Give me a pool, lake, ocean, you name it...I still enjoy it! Now, I enjoy seeing our girls enjoy it! Bath time is one of the favorite times of the day at our house, and playing outside in the sprinkler...that is "good fun" as Tess would say! Today, we enjoyed one of the many kid-friendly joys of our local town...THE SPLASH PAD! Tessa loves it! We met some of our friends there, played, had lunch, and played some more! One of the numerous joys of summer is watching children play so hard they could nearly drop! Truly, to see them run around, not a care in the world, except enjoying the water and their time together, simple joy! I should have taken more photos, but I did take some videos, we can enjoy those for years to come! Two superheros! Ella loves taking it all in! Lets GO!!....Would you look at those smiles!
"I think I will lay here and get some sun"Tess loves her friends!

1 comment:

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

We always love our time with you guys!!
