Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Part of the Journey...Can I have a tissue please?

I DO Enjoy the Entire Journey...There is good in all things ....But at times there are challenges along the way...I know this reality. I go back to teaching tomorrow...Did I just type that and the the tear faucet turned on...Yep, tears on the keyboard, (UGGh, I told myself I was not going to let this happen, at least not until tomorrow)...Good bye Flip-Flops, Hello Heels !?! I am SO thankful for the AMAZING 9 Months that I have been off of work (so much longer than most are able to have). Off from a teaching job that I TRULY Love! It is a blessing to be able to teach and have the endless joys of time with my students, I care for them deeply. My TRUE Love is being a Wife and Mommy. I am convinced that I am capable of being a "teaching Mom~Wife, I have proven this before when I went back after Tess was born. But, getting back in the groove of things is the tough part, finding the new normal, the balance, the feeling that you are in sync...it take some time. The time home has been without hesitation the best time of my life! I would not change a thing about any of it, except of course make it last longer. I say to myself now, "There are so many positives and it will be fine". We have such a wonderful child care situation that it almost seems unreal. Lorene does not just take care of the girls, she honestly loves them as family. They benefit so much from the time at their home, picking peaches, reading books, paperdolls, amazing homemade lunches, so much more, and endless love. Tess and Ella both smile when I have taken them there and they smile when I pick them up, those smiles are what it is all about. My friend Jamie and I have discussed that there is a strong possibility that our girls will be working Moms someday. I can be a positive model to how this can work. Teaching is a wonderful profession for a Mom! FAMILY comes first! If I do have to bring work home, it does not come out until the girls are asleep. When the school bell rings, IT IS FAMILY TIME, Dinner as a family is something I treasure. In all reality and honesty: It is all going to work out, I know in both heart and mind that it will. I am at peace with our decision, and God will help us to adjust to that new normal. Kevin and I rely on our teamwork and we are in this together. Luckily, he will be taking the girls in the morning :) Thank You Kevin, I Love You! Tomorrow and other days to come will be tough, just because I will miss the girls tremendously, but I will be a smiling Momma when I go and get them each day! Part of The Journey....Part of being a Mommy! I Love Our Girls!


beachy keen girl said...

Thinking of you Kim. You are a great Mom, Wife, and Teacher. I know this first week will be hard. Just know that your girls love you no matter what...they know you are a great mom and great example.

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

You are an AMAZING mommy, wife, friend, AND teacher. Know you are in my thoughts and I am praying for you.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe play time has come and gone. What a lucky woman you are to be able to have such a wonderful long time off with your two girls. Life brings us many obsticules and how we deal with them is up to us, and I think you have a great attitude.

Thank you for being a wonderful friend, hanging out with this ol' lady, I will miss our time as much as you will miss those girls, but we will have many many more days to spend together. The girls will not remember you as being gone during the day, they will remember the fun they had while you worked.

You are a great teacher and we need many, many of those in our schools.

Here's to a great year, and let's set a date to party June 2010. We will be saying "Can you believe how fast that year went!" I Love You Dear Friend. My prayers are with you and your whole family: Dad, Mom, 2 Precious Girls!!!

Hugs from the Mimi

Anonymous said...

oh my, did you see/hear the tears?

that was not suppose to happen!!!!

The Buening Family said...

Oh Kimmer, I hope that you had a great school year. Your students are very lucky to have you. It is always hard to go back after enjoying the lazy, summer days with your babes.

Angie Woodson said...

Oh Kim! I feel your pain! We went back two weeks ago and I was a WRECK! This was my worst year ever going back! I was so, so sad and missing my girls so, so much. But we're finally getting into our groove and just like you said, it all works out! Keep your chin up!