Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Random Thoughts on the blog...

My friends have recently posted "random thoughts posts", in fact, I have been tagged to be "It", so here it goes.... I will limit myself to a few thoughts. 1. I miss my flip flops...I am back to teaching, not the place for my 'ol trusty black flip flops, My toes are going through withdrawal, they are feeling very claustrophobic in my other shoes. It is too early to break out my Uggs to replace the flip flops? I will be seeing those oon! 2. Ella is crying in bed, teething, I will be back later. 3. School: Love my job, I work with great people...but missing being home with the girls and having the daily freedoms! My class is great but they are talkative, (I suppose I had this coming to me since I was a youngster) Hint: I was not always quiet like I am today HA! HA! 4. Dinnertime, always important to eat together in our household at the table, even if Kevin has to work late the girls and I do this...I always love this time, especially on a work day! 5. Kevin has almost finished our Movie Room. We are so excited! I wonder what movie we will watch first? Any suggestions? Kevin did an awesome job....My handyman, he is so handsome! 6. Coffee sounds good, I could really go for some with hazelnut creamer. 7. Our landscaping looked so pretty when I pulled in today, it had just rained, wet mulch that has recently been raked, NICE...I can be a bit landscape/weeding obsessed. 8. I Love watching our girls, regardless what they are doing, it amazes me, Being Mommy is AMAZING! God is so giving! They were especially funny the other day on the stage Kevin built in the movie room, singing with Eva and Jaden, Ella even tried to get in on the fun! 9. I need to print some pictures off and learn how to play with / enhance my photos...Help please, Jamie, Dad, Brooke! 10. I thoroughly cleaned the car this week, Clean black car=happy black car, then we went to the car wash (Tess loves it), then it rained, what can you do? I suppose, enjoy the clean car. 11. My parents should buy a home closer to us, it would be a good thing! I guess I could continue on... I better stop for the night, maybe a random post monthly might be fun! Random is exercise for the brain! I think I will go peek at the girls, blow them kisses, and wait for my hubby to come home from work so we can snuggle.


The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

Love it friend!

And yes...and J&K night sounds awesome!

Thinking of you this week...haven't called because Iknow how much you cherish those moments you are home...and I know you are still adjusting to a new routine.



beachy keen girl said...

I love it when you are random! :) That was fun. And I don't have any movies to suggest. Bart & I have been spending our free time, when we have it, watching Psych (a tv show). It's funny.

Also, the easiest (and free) program to use to enhance your photos is Picasa. You can get it through Google. You can write captions on your pics if you want...change them to b&w, sepia, saturate, change lighting etc. It's very simple. :)