Sunday, August 23, 2009

Daddy Day!

Tess asked Daddy Saturday morning if she could go with him to the office...He said "Sure", Her eyes doubled in size, she was so excited she could hardly stand it! They left about 9:30. Ella and I had some Mommy ~ Baby bonding and play time. Then around 1:00 Tess and Kevin came home.... With a Kohls Bag, (Of course they went to other places after the office)! Their grins said a lot!!
They had purchased, an adorable outfit, the cutest pajamas, and some shoes! They were both SO excited about the goodies and I think even more so about the special time they had together! I am so glad for their special time. (I wish I could have watched them together in the store) Tess kept talking about her morning with Daddy! They were so cute together. We spent the afternoon home together and Ella took a nap while Kevin held her! A great day had by all! "Ella, your shopping days are coming..."
Well Done Kevin! You're Our Guy!


Clarissa said...

How sweet! Chris and Chloe have those days also, Chloe says they are daddy and daughter days! I think she appreciates them more then when I take her places!
I have been thinking of you this week with starting back to school! I will call soon and catch up!

Matt said...

Kevin bring home some 1.99 pants??

The Buening Family said...

Good work Kevin!