Monday, August 3, 2009

That IS a GREAT Idea

We enjoyed a forgotten art at our house, Flying a Kite! Something I enjoyed when I was young! What is it about kite flying? Is it the beauty of the colorful kite against the blue sky, it is the challenge of keeping it in the air, or maybe, it is the sense that you are being taken away by the fresh air??? Could it be all this and more?
It was certainly a windy day. I had been telling Tess that we would fly the two new kites that we had in the garage when it was a nice windy day. It did not occur to me that today was a perfect day for it. However, it did occur to Tess. We were out playing in the yard and she disappeared "I am going to get another toy Mommy, It's OK Mommy (our constantly reassuring 3 year old at her finest!)" She comes running out with the kites, "It is windy Mommy", well said! I am constantly amazed by the girls, it is part of seeing the joys of child from the eyes of a parent!
Tess was right, it was windy... a perfect day to fly a kite, she remembered why we were waiting for a "good day" to "Go Fly a Kite". Tess and I loved it! Ella was all smiles at the sight of the color in the sky. Tess learned new vocabulary, including: tangled, flight, and gust...did I say tangled (yes, several times) ?
We had so much fun and she can't wait "to showed Daddy how to flies a kite"! Everyone needs to do this on the next windy day, let yourself get taken away, you won't regret it!