Saturday, August 1, 2009

The second generation of "Animals"

It is a wild world and we sure experienced it at the Zoo this week.... My dear cousins and I set off for the zoo with our six little ones. I enjoyed our time together and seeing the kids interact. I always looked up to my cousins Christy and Jenny, they were always so good to me. Now, I can see our girls watching their kids in the same way. I can hardly wait for the future slumber parties and the creative toe nail painting...we used to spend hours doing this! As for the Twins, well they can play rubber band guns someday...AHHH! those memories! Grandma & Grandpa are probably looking down with pure joy of the next generation being together! Trying to hold still....HA! Good Luck!
The Little "Animals"


beachy keen girl said...

oh the much fun :) why have we not gone this summer? we need to go!

Anonymous said...

why do you have so much fun (without me) miss you all. every other week isn't enough. love u. mimi