Friday, July 10, 2009

"With My Purple Wings, Mommy"

Tess has some REALLY great stories lately, well always in my mind, I get a realy kick out of her! One of her latest was this.... While seeing Little Bear fly off into the sky on one of the shows we let her watch....Thinking, thinking (don't you love it when the wheels are turning!) "Mommy, he can't fly he doesn't have wings" "Yes, that is true, but it is only pretend" "I can fly Mommy, I have my purple wings" "Yes, you do have those Tess, but they are for fun, pretend too" Thinking.................. "Yes, but I can use my wings to fly up and see Your Grandma Mommy, but I come back" Big Hug...."Tess I love you and I love your imagination" XOXOXO (Sidenote to the story, she has been asking about my Grandma, Kevin's Grandma.... and we simply say they are up in heaven with Jesus).... She touched my heart with this one!!! Isn't amazing what they pick up!

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