Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Picture of True Love...

Some time God gives you a special moment when you least expect it.... This past 4th of July weekend the girls and I were out running some errands. We stopped for a quick bite to eat... There was only one couple there when we were. They were probably in their 60's. The lady must of had a stroke or some thing of the sort. She was in a wheelchair, she had a towel around her neck, and she was coughing on most of her food. Her DEAR husband was encouraging her, patting her on her back, and he kissed her forehead. When she was done I noticed him wipe her up and tell her it would be fine. Tess seemed to notice some of this and asked me if the lady was okay?? I said yes, her husband was taking care of her. "Dats nice Mommy" As they were leaving her wheeled her by our table to see the girls. The lady said some thing (I could not understand her at first). Her husband said that she said the girls were "Cute". He was dressed in a nice red, white and blue plaid shirt and she had on a flag shirt and red & Blue beads, he had to have dressed her. I gently patted his wrist and said, "You know, you are a true example of love as you take care of her, (tears in my eyes). He replied, (with tears and a huge smile) "Thank you, that means so much, I love her, and God Bless You. "Same to you and take care I told him"...he patted my back.... I hope that Kevin and I have the blessing of health that we are able to grow old together. I know it won't be easy to do, (to grow old) but I hope we have the blessing to continue to take care of one another for a MANY years to come! I was so touched my this special encounter with two strangers.

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