Sunday, July 19, 2009

Precious Morning Moments

What would you describe as a great way to spend a morning??? Today was my favorite way! We slept in and went to the later church service. The girls joined us early in the morning in our bed and they both went right back to sleep, we all snuggled. Kevin has the philosophy "they are only little once so take the times to do this while we can....So true!! I LOVE this snuggle time! It is so comforting when I can look at the loves of my life, peacefully sleeping, the World is a light years away! It is just us, our little family, in a safe home, holding on to the ones we love. A gift from above. I am so thankful for the numerous blessing in my life, God is so Good. The precious moments like this are the ultimate gift! The girls look like two little angels while they slumber. Each breath they take is beautiful through the eyes of a Mommy! Their sweet faces, I could study them forever. The sounds of their sleeping are heaven sent. Then to look at their handsome Daddy holding us.... AHHH! If I could have taken a picture without waking them I certainly would have. But I have the picture in my mind and it is one I hope to never let go of! In my mind, this is what it is all about the precious gift of family, I am so thankful!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Oh Kim, I totally agree! There is nothing more precious than snuggling little ones. Our rule is that they have to fall asleep in their own beds and then if they end up with us, that is perfectly fine! Logan still prefers his own bed but Olivia usually wanders in around 2 or 3. Its so true, they are only little for such a short time! I too wish I could snap a picture of the moment without waking them. Have a great day!