My amazing brother turned "40" this past week! I am so glad we could go visit and celebrate with him! He is a wonderful...Brother, Husband, Dad, and Friend! I could not have asked for a better brother! I hope his next 40 years and beyond are full of blessings! This Little Sister loves her big brother "Kevy"!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Our Annual Reunion! And...Baby makes 10!!
My dear friends and I make it a point to have our two day reunion every summer during one of my visits to my hometown. I REALLY look forward to it every year, In fact I think we should do it more often!
Angie, Ali, and Susan are amazing friends! I am so glad they were my college roommates! We had wonderful times in our college years and we still do, memories I cherish, with the friends that I love dearly!! We have dinner out one evening, then we get together with our little ones the next day for a play date...This year we hit a landmark....10, yes, 10 little ones under the age of six! It is hilarious, and we love it! I am already looking forward to next year! Thanks girls, we sure know how to have fun!!
My Dear Friends!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Play Pals
Tess Loves playdates! She loves when Bryce can come over and play! Special moments with special friends!
Ella discovered Camden this past week, she was quite facinated by the similar noises that he made!
I am so glad that the boys are close in age to our girls! It is quite entertaining to watch them interact! Tess and Bryce played with toys, painted, made a pizza lunch and even played doctor...(Kevin was not so sure about this one :) "Come here Bryce, I will Check You Out", Hilarious!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Moses Mommy!
In the car on the way home from Church, (and one of the reasons why you don't need a DVD player in your car)
SO Tess, what did you learn in Junior Church today?
(No time elapsed) "About Moses and the water, he walked on it, and the snacks were good"
Now, that is good Stuff!
Pass some TP PLEASE!!!
Kevin and I generally very proud of the manners that Tess has. Although she is still three years old and has her moments. she is a very mannerly little girl....
Some shining moments:
She is wonderful about saying please, thank you, I am sorry, I love you.....
She always says her prayers before her meals and at bedtime, without being reminded
She always wants to help out
She is respectful and we feel taking her just about any where, although so needs reminders sometimes because she is three, she does a great job adjusting to new situations and meeting new people
There are many more and Ella is well on her way, so far she is so laid back and she just rolls with the situation
Now on the other hand, we as parents realize that no child is perfect and some manners take more work then others...One in particular.....
The fact that Tess did the following is a concern for us:
We were outside playing, in the front yard, she dropped her drawers and before we knew she was showing her dairy air and going potty...."I have to go potty" she calmly said We were speechless for a moment. While our mouth were wide -open and our heads simultaneously shaking "No, No", she giggled, pulled her pants up and looked at us for a reaction. To top it off, Ella let out a random giggle.
Tess receives an A+ for the skill of the act.
We had to laugh, what else can you do? (except try to hide the laughter) We are REALLY glad we live in the country.
I promise we are going to work on this one!
Precious Morning Moments
What would you describe as a great way to spend a morning???
Today was my favorite way!
We slept in and went to the later church service. The girls joined us early in the morning in our bed and they both went right back to sleep, we all snuggled. Kevin has the philosophy "they are only little once so take the times to do this while we can....So true!! I LOVE this snuggle time!
It is so comforting when I can look at the loves of my life, peacefully sleeping, the World is a light years away! It is just us, our little family, in a safe home, holding on to the ones we love. A gift from above. I am so thankful for the numerous blessing in my life, God is so Good. The precious moments like this are the ultimate gift!
The girls look like two little angels while they slumber. Each breath they take is beautiful through the eyes of a Mommy! Their sweet faces, I could study them forever. The sounds of their sleeping are heaven sent. Then to look at their handsome Daddy holding us.... AHHH!
If I could have taken a picture without waking them I certainly would have. But I have the picture in my mind and it is one I hope to never let go of! In my mind, this is what it is all about the precious gift of family, I am so thankful!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Our Campout in Review
We had a great time at the camping rally! It was spectacular family time!! We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! Our time together living in the RV was an enjoyable learning experience and once we were settled in we figured it all out. Tess loved sleeping in the bunk bed and having breakfast in the booth. We cooked in each night and had fun grilling out.
The camping rally was a lot of fun! We camped with some camping club members that have know Kevin since he was born.... Those stories are always interesting and entertaining to hear. Many of them were so glad to see Kevin and the family! From the sounds of it Kevin was a "perfect angel" as a youngster....HA! Tess asked one day, while in the RV, Tess asked when we where going to go "mingle" with everyone at the building. I am not sure where she picked up this term, but it was cute to hear her say it! She also told me one evening that Ella was tired and that she was going to "Turn in for the night"...this saying is one I have heard from Pop-Pop.
It was a great week had by all and we look forward to more enjoyable times traveling! The journey is great but heading home is always part of the fun...."There is no place like home is there Dorothy??"
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Trauma for this Momma!
As a mother, our first priority is to love and protect our children! This is true for me everyday, I suppose today gave me a challenge in this role! Our little peanut Ella got her first ouchie today. It certainly hurt Mommy the most. She was on the bed (I know...bad idea). I turn for truly a second and that is all it took. Kaboom. Yikes... She rolled off...
All those thoughts...
Is she okay?
That was a bad Mommy move.
How is her head?
Is she bruised??
AND On, AND On...
I cried many more tears than Ella did.
She has a rug burn on her nose ( a bit Rudolph like), and thankfully she is recovering just fine. Me on the other hand, still coping!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Blogging 101!
I have to send a huge thank you out today to Jamie! I love my friend and I am so glad she talked me into starting this blog! I really enjoy the journal of our journey and I look forward to when I put it into a book at the end of year, a memory book for our family!
Since I started our blog in February it has been a learning "journey" and I am enjoying it! I was asked to put on a blogging seminar as part of the Camping Rally. A big motivation behind it was to encourage others to blog their journey and their travels. My hope was to share my enjoyment with others and teach them some basics of blogging, then they can take off with it and make it their own, which is my mind is the best part!
The seminar went well. About 25 people attended. Those who attended seemed eager to get a blog started and they had great questions. Some plan to blog about their travels, their children/grandchildren.... I hope it was beneficial to them, I enjoyed sharing with them!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Our first day at the Camping Rally!
Tess loves the Starcraft Camping Rally so far....She gets to ride her bike, cookout, meet new people and spend a lot of time with Daddy....What could be better!! Ella gets to snuggle...What else is new??? It was a sunny day packed with joys and smiles!!
Splashing Around!
When we arrived yesterday it was WET!! in southern Illinois! We were glad we had arrived but the campground had certainly seen some rain! One thing is for sure, it did not bother Tessa or our nephew Tony It was a joy to see the excitment in something that might have bothered some...Kids sure have a gift of seeing the fun in just about anything....Something we adults need to do more often!!
All Dry!! Looking out into the World of camping!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
On our Road Journey!
Yeah!! We get to join Kevin on a work trip in the RV! This is exciting to all of us, Tess could hardly stand the anticipation!! She thinks we are in a doll house on wheel! We FINALLY got all the items packet up, I am certain I forgot something, thank goodness for lists!
We are so glad to get on the road and be together!! The girls got all tidy in their car seats and within 5 miles of the house....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! They get this gift of falling asleep easily from Mommy!!
"Hi Mom, I like sitting by you!"
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Our Daddy is FUN!! -Tess
Friday, July 10, 2009
"With My Purple Wings, Mommy"
Tess has some REALLY great stories lately, well always in my mind, I get a realy kick out of her! One of her latest was this....
While seeing Little Bear fly off into the sky on one of the shows we let her watch....Thinking, thinking (don't you love it when the wheels are turning!)
"Mommy, he can't fly he doesn't have wings"
"Yes, that is true, but it is only pretend"
"I can fly Mommy, I have my purple wings"
"Yes, you do have those Tess, but they are for fun, pretend too"
"Yes, but I can use my wings to fly up and see Your Grandma Mommy, but I come back"
Big Hug...."Tess I love you and I love your imagination" XOXOXO
(Sidenote to the story, she has been asking about my Grandma, Kevin's Grandma.... and we simply say they are up in heaven with Jesus)....
She touched my heart with this one!!! Isn't amazing what they pick up!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I Heart the Park!
The Days of Summer have to include trips to the park! We are so glad that there are wonderful parks close to our house. There is something about the time at the park that brings back the carefree joys of childhood.
Maybe it is the flight that a swing can take you on or the feeling in your tummy as you slide down the "big slide,". It is me?? or do simple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches take SO much better when they are enjoyed on a picnic table at the park!! Whatever it is, to me it the whole package, the time at the park!! We try to give our girls the enjoyment of it as much as possible. I even love the "dirty" that kiddos get at the park. Hair flying every which way, filthy feet & hands, and the scent on the girls of a hot day at the park in the sunshine. The simple joys, sounds, scents, and sights of time spent at the park....JOY!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
"Happy" Laundry!
A Picture of True Love...
Some time God gives you a special moment when you least expect it....
This past 4th of July weekend the girls and I were out running some errands. We stopped for a quick bite to eat...
There was only one couple there when we were. They were probably in their 60's. The lady must of had a stroke or some thing of the sort. She was in a wheelchair, she had a towel around her neck, and she was coughing on most of her food. Her DEAR husband was encouraging her, patting her on her back, and he kissed her forehead. When she was done I noticed him wipe her up and tell her it would be fine.
Tess seemed to notice some of this and asked me if the lady was okay?? I said yes, her husband was taking care of her. "Dats nice Mommy"
As they were leaving her wheeled her by our table to see the girls. The lady said some thing (I could not understand her at first). Her husband said that she said the girls were "Cute". He was dressed in a nice red, white and blue plaid shirt and she had on a flag shirt and red & Blue beads, he had to have dressed her. I gently patted his wrist and said, "You know, you are a true example of love as you take care of her, (tears in my eyes). He replied, (with tears and a huge smile) "Thank you, that means so much, I love her, and God Bless You. "Same to you and take care I told him"...he patted my back....
I hope that Kevin and I have the blessing of health that we are able to grow old together. I know it won't be easy to do, (to grow old) but I hope we have the blessing to continue to take care of one another for a MANY years to come! I was so touched my this special encounter with two strangers.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Daddy is Home!!!!
Yippee!! Kevin is home from his work trip to New York! We are so glad he is home safely and with his girls!! He got home early this morning. Tess came is to our room...."Daddy, Daddy, is home!!!", then she snuggled down for some cuddle time....NICE...Family Time....Nothing Better!! When we went to get Ella out of bed she gave her Daddy a HUGE smile and belly laugh, now if that is not a great homecoming, I don't know what is! Although it was just over a week, it is always too longer, we love our man!
Tess has been attached to Daddy all day! She wanted him to hold her and Ella "hold us to-getder Daddy, Ella is yous left arm"??? Where does she come up with these things?? She wanted to take a ride on the mower and stay with Daddy, then she proceeded to nap on his lap.... I asked Tess where Ella will ride someday, She said on her lap, then she will sit on Daddy's lap...That ought to be interesting.
AHH, the joys of being a Daddy to girls.
Taking it easy with his girls!!
Just Beachy!
It was a not so "hot" summer day....But a beautiful Day! Where shall one go??? To the beach of course. My parents were in town visiting so we packed the girls up and headed to the lake for the day! We took in some beach time, which Tess, the Beach Lover, soaked up! The sounds of the waves, the birds and the children playing...Relaxation!! It did not bother Tess one bit that it was 75 degrees and windy. She would have played in the sand ALL day! I promised her we would return soon!
We also enjoyed some lakeside shopping and eating! We packed a lunch and had dinner out (my Dad loves lake perch, he was anticipating it all day)! The most important to Tess.....Ice Cream time with Pops! That was all she could talk about all day was that she was going to have "Ice Ceem...MMMM"! The sight of her enjoying the day was priceless! Ella did an amazing job trooping through the day as always! She is so much like her Daddy....Go with the flow and laid back!!! AAHHH! We are so glad! It was a beachy day and a fun time had by all. Every time my toes touch the sand....they're always looking forward to more....Until next time!
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