Friday, March 6, 2009

Taking a stroll with Pops!
Tessa sure enjoys her accessories! As we are traveling the many miles to vacation, we are making the usual stops for food, gas and potty breaks! Each time we stop, without being prompted, Tess asks for her purse! The purse has many essentials in it, sunglasses, pretend lipstick, a few small toys, and play keys. Tess is all set! The trip is going great! Our girls can travel! Ella is staying on schedule and Tess is having fun with all her goodies in the van. I suppose they are accustomed to traveling, we don't hesitate to be on the go! They are certainly getting their usual snuggles, reading time, and love, what more could one ask for...except for Daddy to be here with us. We will see him soon and we can't wait.

1 comment:

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

I love, love, LOVE that you are posting as you travel!! It keeps me updated! Kevin e-mailed me today and asked if I could manage being away from you for three whole weeks. I e-mailed him back and said, "THREE WEEKS!!!!!!!! Kim said it was only TWO!!!" Oh, the panic!! Ha Ha Ha!!!

Miss you friend.