Friday, March 20, 2009

Shopping in Marco Island

Marco Island has a great deal of shopping to offer. My Mom and I took Tess and Ella shopping with us and I was so sad that I did not bring the camera. Tess put on quite a display in the store. She is a clothes and shoes girl and she was loving the stores we went into. There were numerous types of shoes for her to try on...colorful ones...She kept saying "No Way...Look Mom, No Way" she was very excited!! I told her to slow down and my two year old says to me..."Calm down Mom, it's Okay" My Mom and I were hysterical. Then she spotted the ladies undies, she started to try them on, she said "I Love "dem" Mom...No Way" Ella slept the entire time, I can only imagine what it will be like when they are both walking around. The camera could have capture the true experience but I will forever remember this fun shopping trip!

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