Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The 3 Musketeers plus one baby!

We are so blessed to have such dear friends as Matt & Jamie. We loved the special times we had with them "Pre-Kids" and we are enjoying the time with our little darlings just as much. It is so much fun when we can get the kiddos together to play! It was quite an eventful evening for the kids. They played, had dinner together, played some more, had a bath, and then...we had an injury. All the while Ella watched and learned what she gets to do when she is a big girl. Jaden kept her informed, like a good husband-to-be should do. Jamie and I have their wedding planned even though they are 2 years old and 3 months old! We will find a way to be related! He is so kind to her already...His "Ellyya" as he says. As they were preparing to head home the kiddos had to let out a burst of energy. So they were dancing around the house having a grand time when Tess had a run in with the counter top...OUCH! She cried for a short time and then showed how tough she is (she gets her pain tolerance from her Daddy, not me). Jamie and I were ready to head to the ER but after a couple phone calls to our nurse friends, we knew ice would do the trick. After all, it was a wonderful evening of friendship and fun!
Eva, Tess & Jaden Hanging Around!
Love the Pink Shades Jaden!! He Loves them Too!
Splish Splash!! Three Cuties in the bath!
Eva helping her friend with some ice on her ouchy!
You have to love the drama!

1 comment:

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

Oh my....I laughed out loud just reading your post!!! What a fun time last night - as always! I love how relaxed we are all together and the laughter we share!

I also love the fact that you and I are so much alike in that we were ready to swoop up everything and rush little Tess to the ER...all the while Kevin is calmly telling us she is FINE!

And what do ya know...he was right! Ha!! Don't let it go to your head Kev!! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Love you guys!