Monday, March 9, 2009

Daddy's Girls on Vacation!

Ella loves relaxing after a morning at the beach! Tess enjoyed finding shells today on her beach walk
The girls are continuing to enjoy our vacation. Ella enjoys her outside walks. Before our vacation she probably thought that bundling up to go out in the cold was just how life was. We are showing her differently on vacation, she is able to expose her legs and toes and get some fresh air...Ahhh!


Anonymous said...

Ahhh - those wonderful sunny and relaxing beach days... and even better with two lovely little beach beauties! Enjoy the days and one another!!!

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

Love the sunglasses...what a fashionista! Eva wore flip-flops and capris today...not that is was warm and sunny like Florida, but if she gets warm her allergic reaction rash gets worse - so flip flops it was for us too today (now, if we could only get the sun to shine like Florida)!!

Miss you soooooo much!