Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Little Chart....A Lot of Ice Cream!

We find as parents that certain things work in certain situations and when you find what works....You go with it, and go with it, until, like a great pair of blue jeans, it wears itself out. Well, Charts really work for Tess, and while Kevin and I think that eventually, this method will wear itself hasn't yet.....Tess loves to aim for the goal and get it....
We have had bedtime charts, helping charts and our most recent.....
We have been working on listening the first time she is told, she has improved tremendously and has kept it up, even after filling the chart! She was SO proud of herself! The rewards are not always as"Sweet" related for her charts, some times it is a trip to the park, or a coloring book or her choice etc. But someone else in the house ???? Da__ ___ ___??? also enjoyed her choice of rewards for this one! Including the toppings for the ice cream!
So here's to parents and finding what works! It is not always easy but I have learned that when there is buy-in from the kiddos, it is so much more pleasant for all of us...


beachy keen girl said...

agreed. completely. bryce loves his charts too...and he would have loved that ice cream also :)

will i ever see you again? ;) it's been ages. miss you.

Stacey said...

Love this! It is SOOO true! What works for some won't work for others and what seems to help one child in a family may not help the other. Praise God for creative minded parents!!!! have a great day!