Monday, October 19, 2009

The Buzz on "The Girls"...

Everyday brings its own set of joys and I find myself being reflective often. I think that the reasoning for this is simply enjoying the moment. The girls are at such amazing stages and they are changing by the day before our eyes, all to quickly, but it is with joy and health that we are thankful for many things!
Ella "Bear" she is often referred to by her sister! She is so loved by Tess. Tess loves to sit and talk with her and read to her. One of the newest recent joys is their joint bath time. Ella loves to splash in the water and watch Tess. Tonight Ella was hugging Tess and blowing on her back "mommy, she is making zer-berts on my back, isn't that funny!" (Yes, of course it is) and to the hear the two of them giggle together....Bliss! Kevin walked in from work as they were in the bath, the sounds of the house are often little one's laughter.....Good Stuff.
Current Events for Ella....Two Teeth, on the bottom~ Wanting to walk so bad but figuring out that she can catch Tess faster when crawling~ Giggles, BaBaBa, DaDaDa, and of course in the middle of the night MaMaMa ~ Waving, clapping and motioning for "UP"~ Food...Food and More Food!~ Playing with toys, Oh so Fun!
Tessa ....Need I say more....Just tonight, a typical conversation....(Mommy)"Ella are you hugging your bear?" (Tess) "Actually, (Yep,she loves this word lately) Mommy, it is my bear but Ella can hug it if she wants to, I Love Her" Or another recent one During bathtime.... (Tess) Mommy when will Ella be tall like me?" (Mommy) "When she is three like you are." (Tess) "Then who will be the small one, will there be another baby?" ??? Well, Tess, I think it will be Tessa and Ella and where would another baby sleep?..(Thinking, long pause) I can share with Ella and the baby can have Ella's room (How thoughtful)....We are so happy with you and Ella our Girls...Alright Mommy!
Current Events for Tessa~ New words daily...Some interesting ones recently are impressed, actually, interesting....~ LOVES her sister, she wants to help her and cuddle her, this is a morning routine at our house, so precious~ Testing new limits, but dealing well with it, "that was a poor choice wasn't Mommy?, I am sorry" ~ Memorizing and reciting books as we read to her, with such expression, imagine that; Tess with expression ~Finding letter "T" everywhere~ Continuing to love to play dress up, dancing and school, she dresses up each day for a "Holiday" (she says this is when we get pretty and dance)???~ JOY"FULL" Moments!

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