Sunday, April 26, 2009

"Wading" for Spring!

Spring has sprung and there is couldn't be anyone more excited! We are so glad to have the warmer weather and to be able to enjoy the outdoors! We had the joy of spending time this weekend with our dear friends and the kids had a fabulous time putting on their boots and getting in the mud to have a grand time, the big kiddo...Kevin had the most fun!
The kids couldn't decide what was the most fun this weekend... Was it...feeding the fish in the pond, playing in the dirt, walking around our property, or was it watching the frogs??? They could not decide and we really enjoyed seeing the joys on their faces as they were together. They looked too cute in their boots and sweatshirts, Jaden's sweatshirt obviously came from Tessa's Closet...He didn't seem to mind!
The weekend was a tale of City Mouse and Country Mouse....We enjoyed the fun of the country while at our house and then we spent some time at our friends and enjoyed the joys of neighborhood life. Two different worlds and a beautiful thing because our little ones can enjoy both of them anytime!! We are so blessed by our friendship and so glad the little peanuts have so much fun together.
Kevin had a wonderful time in "his element"! He loved sharing his love of the country and being outside with the kids. They sure enjoyed themselves, to the point that they were very tired at the end of the day....AAAHHHH what some fresh air can do!
So, here's to good friends, great kids and special times together, we are so thankful!

1 comment:

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

We had an awesome time with you guys this weekend too!!! We love our time together...especially our "sleepovers"!! I think you and I enjoy it just as much as the kiddies do!! That uninterrupted girlfriend time when they go to sleep is soooo special to me!

Love you all!!