Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pass the lipstick please...

We seriously have a true girly girl on our hands. I am certainly concerned about the amount of drama our house will endure as the girls approach the teenage years...Dear Kevin, you will have such a fun time, but you'll be tired. I can see Kevin just finding reasons to go and "work" outside to get some fresh air, although he will probably have both girls in tow...Never a dull moment in our world.
With this all being said the following is just a preview of the Girly fun that goes on at our house, especially when "Gamma" comes to town. She definitely loves on the girls and even more exciting to Tess, she lets her explore her bag, equipped with makeup! On this day, she allowed and helped Tess to put on some "Maketup" as Tess calls it! She had a ball, and so did Gamma.
I walked into the bathroom and before I could get a word said Tess assured me..."Mommy itssss fine, Okay, It's Pretty" I told her I loved it and she just grinned from ear to ear. So as the years go on so does the drama...We wouldn't change a thing! We love having our girls. We can't help but think of the things Tess will show Ella!!


Clarissa said...

This reminds me of my girls! Wait until you walk into the room and Tessa has "decorated" Ella with some makeup! Always fun to scrub off! They are so cute. I am so sorry it didn't work out over spring break, hopefully soon! We found out yesterday we are having a little boy! Can you believe it?
I was so shocked!!

beachy keen girl said...

Oh my goodness, these pics are too cute. I love that Tess reassured you that it was ok when you walked in :) lol. I'm sure she will be teaching Ella in no time how to put on makeup! Can't wait to see Kevin when she's wearing makeup for real ;)

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

She is a RIOT!!!! Love it! Kevin can come over and steal Jaden for a couple hours of "man time" if he needs it...between Eva, Tessa, and Ella Jaden will welcome it too!! Ha!!!

Miss you friend.