Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Joy for the Senses...

I sure enjoy those special Mommy moments that I am able to enjoy everyday with our girls. One of the moments today occurred this evening. Kevin, Tess, Ella and I were all snuggling in Tessa's bed preparing for bedtime. After Tessa's attempts to sing, talk, move around etc. she fell asleep, and so did little Ella. I had to give Kevin a big smile before we got up because of these special moments when we put all things aside and take it all in. Before I walked out of the room, I said a special prayer of thanks for our many blessings. Then I took in another moment of joy... The scents of Johnsons and Johnsons Baby wash on my girls from their baths, Dreft laundry detergent on their jammies, and Ella's formula breath. Then the sounds...Binky's going a mile a minute, classical music on Tessa's radio, and the sounds of their little breaths. The Feel of their little hands in mine and the warmth of them snuggling me. And of Course the sight of our gifts from God! I wish I could bottle this all up and enjoy it for eternity, however, I know that is impossible, but enjoying the journey is possible and that is what I truly try to do with the blessing of each day. I am so thankful for our family!!

1 comment:

Bobbie said...

Priceless moments - gone in a flash!!! Enjoy each and every one!!!