Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hoppy Easter

Spring has Sprung and Easter is here! We were sure to have our first egg decorating adventure this year with Tess, she thought it was pretty fun, and told us that she Loved her eggs, she was so proud of them. She asked if Ella could do it next time, we will see...
Easter morning started early fro 8:00 a.m. church service and the girls + one doll looked very adorable in their Easter Sailor Dresses. Tess wanted to be sure that she had her purse along with her, she is so funny about her accessories! We enjoyed the,Easter Baskets, (Daddy was sure Tess had some fun things including a gigantic bottle of bubble bath and bath paints...he is so fun!) , and a filling Easter Breakfast. God is good all the time and we are very glad it is beautiful and sunny on this Easter Day!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute!!! Our Kallie and Lilly had a similar dress when they were that size! Kallie wore it in the Marshall County Cutie Contest. Your girls are growing so fast. I am so happy you have this time with them. I can tell Daddy will always be a softie. Eva's Grandma F.