Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Now I know my ABC's"

I couldn't help but be a proud Mommy! Tessa wrote her first complete list of her alphabet, and Ella sang her ABC song by herself this weekend. The both had that "Proud of themselves..twinkle in their eyes".
When Tessa did not know the exactly how to write a letter she would have me verbally explain it so that she could do it all on her own. There was certainly a sense of accomplishment for her, "we have been working on it Mommy, now I did it all by myself!"
Ella is such a singer, she learns this from Daddy and Tessa. She will just sing while she is playing. Twinkle Twinkle was her top hit, now she is moving on the the ABC song! When she is finished she claps and of course wants all of us to as well. Tessa is so supportive "Ella you did such a good job"...
To see as child succeed and celebrate is one of the joys of teaching. But it is even more valuable of an experience from the parent perspective. While you want to bottle every moment of their being little, part of the joy is seeing them grow as individuals! Way to go Tessa and Ella!

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