Family traditions are very important, and going to get our tree is one of my favorite. Sure, I like our artificial trees that we have in the house, but the decorating in not complete until "THE Tree" is put up and decorated! It is always an adventure, usually cold, and always a challenge to find just the right one, to often come home and find it leans a bit...or a lot! But the joy of family time, hot cocoa, and the Christmas spirit is well worth it all!
Tessa was very interested in all the ornaments this year, and Ella caught on quickly to the fun! We only broke two ornaments (so far :)! My favorite part is sitting back and enjoying...the room dark, the tree lit, and reading Christmas books! Tis' the season, now I really feel that it is that time of the year! Now, if we could only get Ella to stay out of the presents underneath the tree....good luck on that one!