Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pass the ....Cleaner....I mean the ....Mud

Two Daughters.....Two very different girls! It is such a special opportunity to raise two girls who while they may look alike, have two very different personalities. It is a "hoot" to just sit back and watch it "all go down" !
For example, one recent summer evening....Tessa came up with the idea to clean outside?!?!...."A Clean Home, Is a Happy Home", a quote Tess picked up from a show she watched! Couldn't say it better myself!
Then, Ella takes more after her Daddy! While Tess was cleaning, Ella was having a ball in the dirt!

1 comment:

The Buening Family said...

Oh Ella! She is a girl after my own heart. There is nothing like a sweaty child with popsicle dripped down their arms and the front of the shirt, all the while dirt smeared on the cheeks and under the fingernails. The wonderful joys of summer!!