Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tough Times....

I have been contemplating when to finally sit down and type this.... Dear friends and family, we would love to have some prayers! Larry, Kevin's Dad, and the amazing Papa to the girls is battling cancer....That awful word! His battle is getting harder everyday! He is have trouble breathing because of the blood clot in his lung and the cancer is spreading. Word came this Friday that the doctors are stopping treatment due to the aggressiveness of the cancer. Kevin, his Mom, sister and I went to the hospital Friday. Larry, who has said very little lately, was able to say some very powerful, meaningful and heartfelt things to all of us, God gave him strength to do so. He is struggling and all we can do at this time is pray and give him our love. He said he is at peace with things and he is tired of the painful battle. He is coming home today and Hospice Sherry and all of us. We love him and we are putting it all in the hands of God. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.


beachy keen girl said...



The Buening Family said...

extra prayers tonight . . .
Love you.

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

Praying.....constantly praying.

Love you all.


Stacey said...

Praying for your family. Hugs

Angie Woodson said...

Praying for you all and sending lots of hugs.
Love you.

Anonymous said...

May you all feel the loving arms of Jesus as He holds all of you. Let your husband's family know that we (Matt F.'s sister and family) are praying. Take comfort in those prayers. I've seen God move in a mighty way lately. He always amazes me!

Matt said...

Anything we can do...don't hesitate!