Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Can you feel the love!

Jaden and Ella holding hands in the car on the way for ice cream :)
It is so fun to watch the little ones at play! We had a great opportunity for a fun and extended play date with our friends this weekend! I say "our" because the kiddos played and the Mommas had fun as usual! We loved the time of just kicking back and enjoying the company of one another.....We ate dinner, played, watched a Valentine movie, went out for ice cream :), had a sleepover, went shopping, out to lunch....Good times! The best part, after all that time together, we STILL missed them when we departed! The little ones played great together and had a good time!
One thing that always amuses me when we are out and about with the kiddos is how others watch us: is it humorous, entertaining???? Jamie and I have always had the thought process that the kiddos can handle being on the go (we seem to always be able to know when they are ready to head home!) One couple smiled at the fact that all our shoes boots matched when we were out for ice cream....funny to us because it was not planned in anyway! Also amusing, is the two of us shopping with four little ones...ages 1,2,3,4... Good times, Great Memories...with Wonderful friends!

1 comment:

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

We had so much you guys.