Saturday, June 13, 2009

Quotable Moments....

I often tell myself, I have to write that down.... Especially out of the mouths of babes.....I had been writing them in Tessa's journal and writing about Ella's adorable babbles in her journal....
There have been so hilarious recent ones from dear Tess...
"Mommy, they had pizza at the Farmers Market, (giggle), I didn't believe my eyes"
"Give me BIG snuggles"
"Mommy, when is your parents going to come visit"
"I do it just fine Mommy"
When is Daddy coming home,
(she came to snuggle in our bed in the morning then Kevin left for work when she fell back asleep), I lost Daddy in the bed, where is he"
SHHHH! "Our Baby is seeping (sleeping)" (when there were other kiddos over) Too Cute!!
At dinner "can I have more chops, (pork chops) they are good (after already eating 1 1/2 pork chops)
"Mommy....long pause...I loves You! (Melt your heart)
"Will you hold me in both yous arms Mommy...(Well YES!)"
"Ella leaved me" (as Ella rolled away from her)
"Make my hair look like an ice ceam cone????(after some explanation a ponytail on top of her head)
"Do I have to go night night, I not so tired...."
"Don't call it a horse and buggy, I don't like bugs so much"
IT IS SO MUCH FUN having a 3 year old!
Ella's Quotes....
Giggles....Big open mouth!
Snorts when so is so excited! and kicks her legs wildly!!
The journey is so joyous!

1 comment:

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

I loooooooove the ice cream cone hair!!! That is also one of my favorites...along with the "bug" comment!

Love you guys!