Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Catch the Big One!

Kevin and I were very excited to put in a pond when we build our home. Last summer we stocked it with fish and the hope is for us to enjoy fishing for fun with the kiddos. It has happened sooner then we thought it would! Although the fish are still small, we enjoy catching and releasing them and feeding them.
Our friend Mike came down recently with the "boys"! It was a fun evening had by all. Tess kept up with the boys! Mike and Kevin thought that the boys would eventually put the worm on the hook or take the fish off....wrong, we could not keep up! They also brought their lawn chairs down to the pond thinking they might sit back and take it all in....wrong again! Those kiddos kept the three of us very busy, the fish were biting and the beset part....We ALL had a great time. Ella watched from her stroller, and Tess was a busy little girl! We are thankful for our country land and for our pond, it will bring many fun summer nights!

1 comment:

beachy keen girl said...

I don't think you could pay me to touch a fish or put a worm on a hook, but it looks like a lot of fun :) I'm sure Tessa had a great time and I bet Kevin loves it when the kids go out and fish!!