Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Irresitable Crayola...

Little Ones are quick, and our Tess is no exception! She also is very good at taking every opportunity available to have a great time! We were recently having Art Time and drawing pictures with markers. While this is a fun activity, it is a highly cooperative activity with Mommy because it can get messy! WELL, Mommy had to use the potty during art time, so Tess and I ventured to the restroom. She quickly disappeared, I returned quickly to find her enjoying a green "Washable" Marker. I asked "What are you doing Tess" (silly questions, clearly Mommy I am having fun with markers while you weren't here) Her reply...Putting on "Make-Tup"...I Love the Honesty!! So here's to our Little Ones and their ability to make every opportunity count! Notice the marker does match the shirt!

1 comment:

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

LOVE that first picture of her!!! You need to frame that one!!!
