Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Look What "SHE" Found....

 Was it a case of innovation, creativity, or was she just being sneaky? Kevin called me to come quick, and was smiling, I knew that one of the girls must have been up to something ....funny!?!?  Ella found a way to get to the cinnamon rolls that were on the very back of the counter.  While, Yes, she is innovative and usually finds a way to face an obstacle, this one is at the top of the list.  It was quiet and she was in the kitchen, we should have know!  One of those parent moments when there is nothing else you can do but smile and laugh, then give her a hug!  Now the real question is who did she learn this from????

Having a Good Time! Where is the rest of her outfit?

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Love this Kim! We caught Logan LICKING the cinnamon roll pan one time and had to just let it go. Too cute to stop it!