Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dancing with Popsey

Look at our girls....8:00 am while we were visiting with Gramma and Popsey....None other than our girls can get you up and moving!  They wanted to hear the "crazy music" as Gramma calls it. (50's Music).... They asked Popsey to dance and away they went!  It was a special moment of pure fun!  I am so thankful that they girls have fabulous grandparents that are involved in their lives.  Kevin and I get a kick out of seeing our parents in the grandparent role.  Moments the girls....and we savor and won't forget. Credits to Popsey and the fact that he got his workout before heading off to the gym.... Then he took them to the barbershop to visit "Bud the Barber", what a fun day! 

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