Friday, August 26, 2011

"Rock Around the Clock"

 When I think about the decades and the fashion trends that represent them, the 50's certainly come to mind.  Kevin had a work dinner at an RV Rally this week and the theme was a Sock Hop.  Thanks to some poodle skirts that our friends let us borrow, we were able to dress from the times! I have often joked with my friend that I really think I could have been in my 30's in the 50's ....a housewife, in heels and a dress, apron, "Honey, how was your day, dinner will be ready soon!"

It was fun to "play dress up" and join the others that dressed in the white shirts, jeans, or skirts and scarfs.
The girls found it fun and funny that I was dressing up for the occasion and going out in public like that.  They also wanted to know why I was wearing Daddy's school ring on a chain? 

1 comment:

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

Looooove the 50's (you already knew that!)...and your little cutie patooties!!!
