Sunday, March 14, 2010

AAAchhooo and some coughs too!

It all started with a fever for Tess, a sore throat quickly followed,....Then the cough. It is so hard for us as parents when the girls are under the weather. You can see it in their eyes. Things just aren't right!
Our hearts break for them to be uncomfortable and not feeling themselves. Yet, another time when I truly understand the love and care that our parents gave when Kevin and I were thankful to them!! Ella came down with it two days later. Uggg! Even harder, since she can't voice what is wrong.
SO, What shall we do???? We snuggle, go to the doctor, give medicine in silly straws to make it "taste better" and give many extra hugs! They have been little troopers, giving each other "get better hugs"!
This to shall pass and we look forward to seeing them back to themselves and full of energy!!! Until then Tess will continue to ask for her every need (she has this whole being sick things figured of us in particular???? tends to her EVERY need. It is all about love and making them feel the best they can when they are under the weather!!

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