Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Top Ten List ....College Roommates...

Over break I had the joy of having lunch with my 3 college roommates....better know as some dear friends! I was going to take a photo, we got to busy talking that I forgot, no surprise there!
It was a wonderful visit.....I will sum up our friendship in a top ten list....
Top Ten Reasons Why I adore our C-18 friendship....
10. Who else could live together in college and not have one disagreement...it is true
9. We are all individually unique, yet a great team of friends
8. We have great husbands....great choices girls!
7. Cute kiddos...We have that covered....10 to be certain but 11 is one the way....(not from me...)
6. College Memories aplenty
5. We will be friends forever...we know to much about one another
4. Support...I can always count on them....always
3. Laugh....We can laugh....until we cry
2. Young....we may not be, but we feel like it when we are together
And the #1 Reason....
1. No matter how long between our visits, we pick up right where we left off...Priceless....


beachy keen girl said...

College friends are the best! There's something about the friendships you made during your college years that just are so good :) I'm so happy you have such a great group of girls to have fun with!

The Buening Family said...

Love you, friend!

Angie Woodson said...

Aw, so sweet! Love you Kimmer!!!