Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Some Photos of "Why we love our pond"...

A few years ago,Kevin mentioned that someday when we build our home, he would love to have a pond on our property. I have to admit, at first I had some reservations...How do we take care of it, will we put fish in it, ....Silly me, once again, years later, I can say"Kevin was right", Shhh, don't share that with him. Our pond has brought so much joy in just the going on three years that we have lived here. Tess loves going out to feed the fish, and going to catch the fish (we throw them back of course)! She calls them "her fishes". Last Saturday morning, I woke up and Kevin was not around the house. I happen to look out, and there he was....Looking handsome as ever, in a flannel shirt, and in his outdoor element. We are enjoying the pond and I am so glad that we went with Kevin's idea! Here are some recent photos of some fun out by the pond!

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