Sunday, February 6, 2011

There is "SO" much snow...

It has was a very snowy week.....But the end result is beautiful. There are piles of snow everywhere! I enjoyed the snow day home with the girls! It is one of the many joys of living in the country...sometimes you are "snowed in" as Tessa calls it. Kevin does an amazing job of plowing! I also don't mind it when he says, "Just stay in with the girls today, there is no where we "have" to be!
There is such a peaceful feeling seeing the calm snow in the morning as the sun is rising. Would living in the south be nice? Yes. but living where the seasons change and your can enjoy all the beauty of each season is where we like it best!


beachy keen girl said...

It's beautiful.....but...I may be fine with only seeing it once a year ;) Glad you had a great snow day being snowed in with your family!

Anonymous said...

blaa, blaa, blaa - you know living south with all your friends (and family) would be so much better. How about a "toooo hotttt, stay in to be cool day"? OR "stay in the pool all day because there is too much sun" day . . . and then visit once during the winter to see those not brave enough to move. Wait would that be me?????