Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Full Pantry because ....

Some times days are just challenging.....Some are just "on"... We had an "On it" kind of day! There was a 2 hour delay from school (yes, off schedule....but I am starting to embrace this and lighten up a bit).... this meant extra cuddle time with the girls in the morning. They were happy little campers, they slept in a bit, and then wanted to snuggle....good stuff. We had a calm breakfast and they both had wonderful days at Lorene's house. This meant this was another reason to brave the grocery store and stock up in some things. I have been trying to shop smarter, stock up and plan meals for 2-3 weeks.... We will see how it goes, we are off to a pretty good start. The new magazine that I have subscribed to has been helpful "All You"...
Off the Grocery we went....The Girls put their happy feet in the cart and were awesome the whole time we were in the store. Ella was singing and saying hello to everyone. She wanted to add things to her area of the cart "I am shopping Mommy". Tessa was my helper, helping me find things in the store, looking for certain numbers and letters as we walked down nearly every aisle....things were going great! I thought I was in a grocery store Happy Utopia. I kept praising them that they were being so helpful! Extra Bonus, we paid only $3.00 per gallon of gas, (Love the bonus points at our grocery store!)
The Lesson for the Day was.....If you are good things will come your way....
With a car full of groceries we went out to eat of all things....even more surprising for this Momma was going to a fast food restaurant....with a play area.....HEY, I know that is shocking for me, but they were SO good! We were the only ones in Burger King, we ate as healthy as we could....?!?!? and then they played in the play area and got to go down the slide "2 Extra times, Mommy this is so fun!"
It was a Fun night of the simple things in life! Now, we have a pantry & refrigerator full of
I was so proud of our kiddos!

1 comment:

beachy keen girl said...

WHAT?! A fast food restaurant ;) kidding. I'm sure the kids had fun playing :) And it seems to help me so much more if I plan out my meals...it's just taking the time to do that that sometimes throws a wrench in the plans. :) Good for you on planning it all out, I hope it goes GREAT!!