Tuesday, July 6, 2010

In touch with the fine arts of singing and crafting!

At the RV rally there are so many opportunities for the kids to have fun! It is always interesting to watch them interact with new friends and kids their age. Each morning there is kids craft time, and Tess loves arts and crafts, so she is all about it! Luckily the little darlings and (Mommy too!) have been sleeping in. Craft time is at 10:00 and just a short walk away. They have been getting up around 9:00 so it has worked out just great.
Tessa has made....a handprint in plaster, a door hanger, sunglasses, foam bear, and a bug magnet! She is so proud of her work and loves to explain how she made it. As I mentioned, I always hearing her tell about her experiences from her perspective, and with so much detail. She was telling Grandma Sherry about it today and Ella was just sitting and watching her sister's every word and every move. It is no wonder she tries to do everything her sister does. I never get enough of just watching them together.
Just the other evening we were in the rally building and they were up on stage. We were with some friends finishing up dinner. They were "Hamming" it up. Tess was singing, dancing and talking to the audience. It was quite a sight, no stage fright with her! They are having SO much fun!

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