- Our friendship has and will stand the test of time and miles!
- We know how to laugh until we cry!
- The year we turn "40"...while far away...we are going on a trip...what fun it will be!
- We have some wonderful and adorable little ones
- We had a hard time figuring out the last time one of us wasn't expecting....going on #11
- Memories are abundant, and so are the laughs
- Blessings....Friends, Husbands, Children, Parents....so blessed
- They are in the process of forming a minivan fan club...one is holding out
- We love to go out to eat, and close a place down....we didn't know Starbucks ever closed!
- Time flies when you are having fun.
- The Spaghetti Factory knows where to sit us, and we know what each other will order
- We are there for one another in all the Good and the Tough times of life
- Most of all.....We will be friends forever, we've been through too much to not be!
Each year we get at least one more little one to sit still!
Sooo much fun! I'm still waiting for your FB friend invite!! Wes says we should all go to Indiana Beach for our 40th - he says he'll buy us lunch. I told him we were thinking of a beach a little farther south....:))
Miss you already!
I am ready to go out again. That is was of my favorite days of the year. I laughed out loud at IN Beach. Much love, Sus
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