Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The importance of K & K Time

Kevin and I had the joy of going to dinner with our friends that now live in California. We were in Louisville for a work trip and they were visiting family. It worked out great to visit and reconnect with them. We enjoyed a great Irish Dinner out and had some fun conversations. Kevin and I stopped by a great little restaurant after dinner and had some time to relax and chat. I just love my Hubby! I love the times we share with our Girls and I love the times we share just as K&K. It was fun to get ready to go out to dinner calmly and dress up a little bit for my dear hubby! I feel that we have been so blessed to stay connected and not let the busy of life take us away from each other. It is fun to laugh together and to have some uninterrupted conversations. Most of all we can also discuss the joys that we share as a family....we sure love our little darlings!! It seems like so many years away when we will be empy nesters... The years are passing so quickly....We try to savor each moment! But when that time comes, we want to be sure that we are still connected and can then enjoy that chapter....Each stage a new adventure and a blessing!

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