Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Bump?

 There seems to be a bump in our bed!  We usually find it there on weekend mornings!  The bump giggles every once in a while and then Ella seems to appear!  Savoring is what we are trying to do.  There is a sincere appreciation for calm weekend mornings. 

We know that there will be a time, when the girls are more involved with activities and such that our weekend mornings will adjust to a new speed!  Until then, we are enjoying the bumps in our bed, and the simple joys of taking it easy!  Little ones....age 2 and 5, simple pleasures of parenthood.  There is a special safety and comfort to being home, in the country, knowing that the World is still turning, yet for these moments, we hold on to all the simplicity and innocent !  Feeling so blessed!

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