Monday, June 20, 2011

Time Well Spent....

By far one of my most enjoyable moments each day is reading to the girls at bedtime.  We watch one of their shows, brush teeth, say prayers, and then we read.... and we love it!  I have a serious love of books, books of all kinds, and the girls seem to have embraced this as well. 

We go in Tessa's room and the three of us, Daddy joins us some times as well. Snuggle in, Ella on my left, Tessa on my right.  We read and they will often as for me to "tell a story about when you were little Mommy".... They get so close, I love and savor every minute of it.  Each of them holding onto my hair.  Ella has her blankey, bear and, binky. Tessa has her Bear named Beeper.  LIFE IS GOOD!  Tonight, they both fell asleep and I just took it all in (I often do), said a prayer of thankfulness for our girls, their health, their happiness, and for guidance as their Mommy. 

They look so much alike when they are asleep, their eyes so similar.  Tessa and her ducky lips, Ella with her binky, and I am at peace....Holding our girls! I would not trade my place at those moments for anywhere in the world. I am truly trying to take it all in an memorize the moments! 

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