Friday, March 25, 2011

Visit to School

Tessa was BEYOND excited to go to an open house at her future pre-school. We are equally excited for her....she is growing up, and will be a whole handful this May! It was a special evening. Tessa had a huge grin on the entire evening.
Ella on the other hand has mixed thoughts about it all. On the way home Tessa asked who Ella would play with on the days that she is at school. I told her that Ella would be having special time at Lorene's and that Tessa would still be there on the other days. Ella turned up her bottom lip and broke into crocodile tears just hearing the conversation! Tessa sweetly consoled her, and held her hand the rest of the way home......Tessa will LOVE school, and Ella will be missing her big sister!! It will be an adjustment for all.

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