Sunday, March 6, 2011

Special Tessa Time

After a relaxing nap time...
Tessa had a great time enjoying that Ella stayed asleep and she got some Mommy time...."Uninterrupted" as she called it today! We played some board games and then we painted! It is always special to be with both the girls, but our conversations are a little different when Ella is napping. "Mommy, I like living where we do. At our house? Yes, but in our town. Do you think I will live here? You mean in our town? Yes, when I grow up. Yes, you can live here, but you might choose to live somewhere else. I hope you live close to us. I hope I do live by you and Daddy because I really love you and I love being by you all the time!" I loved this conversation, in fact I can remember having a similar conversation with my parents.
We really enjoyed our hour of Tessa and Mommy time. As we were painting we heard "Mommy....Tess...." Ella was up and we continued to enjoy our afternoon of painting and being together. It is wonderful having two little girls, the time together with both of them is always special! The times when it is just Tessa or Ella is special in its own way as well.....many joys of motherhood! Savoring every moment.

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