Saturday, January 23, 2010

"Winter, are you still here?"

It is that time of the year where I am "over it" in terms of winter! I am never one to want time to rush by. In fact I find myself wanting time to slow down. I have found myself praying about this from time to time. I struggle with time passing because I want to just bottle up the here and now. I feel that it stems from the joys of the current times. I find pure joy in the now, I thought the 20's were great, but so far my 30's are my favorite....Being a wife, a mother to little ones and I always feel surrounded by my family and friends and if not physically, I feel their presence emotionally! So while I follow James Taylor's advice "The secret to life is enjoying the passing of time"....I am ready for some warm weather.....SO...Knowing it is still far off.....I have decided to fight my frustration of the cold with some "Warm Reflections"...Here it goes.... Some positives of the cold weather... Hot cocoa,Playing in the snow, Warmth from the fireplace, Cuddling up with Kevin, the Girls and a warm blanket, Making soups aor chili and watching football, Snowmen, 2 hour school delays...although we haven't had any, Comfy clothes, "Having" to stay home when the roads are bad, I love being snowed in!, Having a warm house to call home....
We had some visitors the other night, look at those white tails....Beautiful!
Ahhh! So it isn't so bad after all....The power of positive thinking really works!

1 comment:

Matt said... sweet Kim...Quick, Kevin, get your gun!