Friday, January 8, 2010

Successful Shopping....

It is always unpredictable to take the girls shopping....Overall, they do Really well. I have always taken them so it is probably due to just being used to shopping. Some trips are more challenging than others, but then there are the Really great outings that make this Momma proud!
We went grocery shopping on Wednesday night, (I try to avoid weekend shopping about as strongly as I try to avoid the flu) can be madness on the weekend!
It was so much fun grocery shopping. It must be the teacher in me but I always look at it like a learning experience.....counting items, looking for colors. letters etc.,....Like many other Moms I find that we wear many hats one of course being entertainer. I often find myself making eye contact with other Moms with little ones, there is a commonality, we often exchange a positive "we are in this together look"!
The girls and I were laughing, talking and Tess was "driving" the car cart some of the time, we need some lessons in this area. Tess also does a fabulous job of keeping Ella pleased! I told Tess she could pick out some items....she chose...radishes, mini-bell peppers, strawberries and cheerios....(I was so proud of her)....Then she picked out some dried apples for Ella and they munched while I finished shopping.
Tess loves her peppers!
No tears or whining in the store - Check
Choosing healthy foods - Check
The girls having fun together - Check
Enjoying grocery shopping - Check
Enjoying the Journey of Motherhood-Always
So here's to a wonderful shopping trip and many more to come!

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