Monday, September 20, 2010

Homegrown Goodness!!

There are few things at you just can't accept a substitute for....and home grown veggies and fruit are just some of those things! Our family has really enjoyed the goodness of the local growers, and the sharing of some kind and giving friends! Lorene is often giving us some joys from her amazing garden. I look forward to the time (hopefully next year) that we can plant a garden of our own..... peppers, cucumbers, and pumpkins OH MY! I can hardly wait! I am so thankful that the girls love to eat fresh veggies like I do, Kevin is even coming around!! While the homegrown veggies may not have the perfect shape or color that the grocery store produce does....I am so much more impressed with the taste and that fact that it is healthier! What could be better for our growing girls?!

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