Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I love listening to the girls talk and sing.  I can't get enough of their little innocent voices full of joy and giggles!  While we were reading in bed this was the conversation....
Me: So, Ella when should we invite the binky fairy to visit our house.
Ella: hmmm.....maybe next Tuesday when I am older, that is when I can get my big girl bed too!
(obviously, with the things she can say it is an indication that it is time....but she is our baby)
Me: Well, I think next Tuesday sounds good. You will still have your blankey and your bear.
Ella: and my dino, I love to snuggle, mmmmm! Sqeezing her lov-eys
Tessa: Mom, just let it go she can keep her binky, I loved my binky
Me: Lets think about next week
Ella: No, it is fine, I want my binky, and my blankey, and my bear, and.....my dino
Tessa: and we have Mommy's hair
Ahhh! The joys of these simple conversations, I want to hold on them forever!

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