Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Breakfast Time

It is a joy to wake up to these smiling faces! Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I especially enjoy mornings when I can leisurely cook a healthy breakfast and enjoy it with our family. We certainly have good eaters. With a 2 year old and 4 year old, meals can be well....interesting. At times they can be calm, but usually there is some type of excitement.
Ella has been saying the meal prayer lately..."God is good, thank you for Daddy, Tessa, Mommy, Popsey, Eva, Jaden, Grandma Sherry, Gamma, my bike, Zion, the birds, can go in any direction. The other night she said "Thank you for kisses, hugs and Franklin (the turtle she watches on TV).....
Regardless if it is a spill, some one standing on their chair, or an occasional calm meal. I wouldn't change anything. These are special times in our house and I don't want to miss a thing!
We are working on Ellas's etiquette, at least she is not afraid to show how she feels ?!?!
Part of sisterhood!

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